The Swing of My Hips

by Sheila on August 13, 2013

The swing of a woman’s hips.

I love this song I’m sharing not just because I love the melody – which I do, but I so love when he speaks of the swinging of a woman’s hips. It makes me swoon in a way.  It reminds me of my woman-ly-ness.

I am a strong, powerful and muscular woman.  I’m bold. I’m fearless. Yet, I so love the idea of a man loving this ultimate feminine-ness of me. I want to be powerful in myself and know I can take on the world. And, I want a man who knows this of me and also sees the side that wants to let go and allow for him to love and admire and care for me.

Much is biologically driven in us. A woman shows her “wiles.” I think she does this instinctively. Not, necessarily, manipulating.  Although, I imagine that does happen. But, she seeks to find the “strong” man to equal her.

Ultimately she wants to be all woman and all feminine and attract that alpha (perhaps) male.

All woman = physically strong and smart and capable in all that she needs to do.

All feminine = She brings everything in her nature to the battle as a warrior.

And she is a warrior.

She is soulful and loving and knowing and so, so strong..and don’t get in her way! She fiercely defends those she loves.  You will never beat her. She will win.

And, when she retires for the day, you will see the “swing” of her hips as she invites you into her life. And, she will be yours.

Hope you enjoy the vid: and see here





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