We need to call it EVIL

by Sheila on December 14, 2012

When I was 6-yrs-old in 2nd grade at St. Anthony in Akron, OH, we went to Mass every morning. The 1st and 2nd graders sat in the front rows. I was sitting on the far right end of the pew one morning and this “crazy” guy ran into the church and bashed his arm through the stain glass window in the back of the church on the right hand side. I looked back and saw all of this and heard the screaming and I simply got up and ran to the side door to escape. In my little mind, I thought he would certainly “get me.” He was right on my heels… I remember seeing all of the blood on him… I just ran as fast as I could and he blew by me.

I was terrified. I remember it vividly to this day whenever it happens to show up in my mind. It is like I can feel it all over again.

I remember the teachers telling us to be very careful when we went home for lunch, etc. I was so scared I didn’t know how I was going to be able to walk home the 3 blocks…

I think of those little kids today and I am sick with sadness and grief – for them in that very moment and now and for their families. I can’t imagine how scared they were and confused and now gone.

Crazy and evil has always existed.

I pray for all of us.

{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

shannon holmes December 15, 2012 at 9:45 PM

<3 hey sheila. speechless right now. praying for peace and love for this world. 


Sheila Mikulin December 18, 2012 at 8:23 PM

Shannon – thanks for your response. I think of your kids. I think you are home schooling…I worry about my nieces who are 4 and 7.  If I was a mother, I would not take my child back to any school until they had an armed person there.  Sorry. that is the truth.  Love to you.

I’m posting a letter now that might help us all try to make sense.


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