If I Should Have a Daughter…

by Sheila on December 17, 2011

I love TED talks. I hope you all have had a chance to experience these. Here is the link.

I have a new goal/desire to give a TED talk.  I don’t know what I’ll talk about just yet… I just know that I will.

There are so many that I have enjoyed and the list is too long to give here. But, one I recently just saw is by Sarah Kay, a poet. One thing I love about her talk is that she is also performing and she is GOOD! She calls it “spoken-word poetry.”  This is how I want to do it. There is an element of theater so this will give me some expression to a bit-hidden desire to be on stage in this way.

I am a story teller. Good performance art IS story telling. Life is story telling. Stories illuminate and enlighten and uplift. They remind us who we are and where we came from and perhaps where we are going… They encourage others to tell their stories and this bonds us in our humanity.

Sarah tells the story of her metamorphosis — from a wide-eyed teenager soaking in verse at New York’s Bowery Poetry Club to a teacher connecting kids with the power of self-expression through Project V.O.I.C.E.

I really love her. I hope you will also.  Take a look and let me know what you think! For email viewers, click here.

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