Year End Review

by Sheila on December 12, 2012

Integral Life Design
Sheila Mikulin, M.A.
Integral Life Coach

Completion of 2012 & Welcoming 2013

Closing  2012  

What successes am I celebrating? (Insights, accomplishments, highlights, milestones)

What challenges, disappointments or frustrations helped me grow in 2012?

What acknowledgment can I give myself about this past year?

What was my biggest discovery about myself this year?

What was I most grateful for?

What worked for me this past year that I want to maintain next year?

What made time fly the most when I did it this year? What was a waste of my time?

What truly satisfied me this year?

  Creating a compelling future in 2013 

What wants to be set in motion?

What is a loose end from 2012 that I want to claim and incorporate into my intentions for 2013?

What do I want to welcome in as a new beginning?

What is an empowering place to start 2013 from?

What am I willing to commit to in this New Year? 

How will I risk becoming more real and alive?

What do I resolve to be conscious and aware of?

What is next for my life and how can I consciously create what I want?

What change will I invite?

What do I need to leave behind or let go of in 2013?



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