Loving Christmas

by Sheila on November 28, 2012


This is what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown.

And, yes I mean Christmas! Not the selling of “holiday” trees. And I honor Hanakkah and every other celebration that we might grab and  love!

My mom once was in the hospital years and years back (before she died in 199), and had a scare. She said that she would just sooo love Christmas that year. She did.

The thing with us is that we forget.  Perhaps it is like that having a baby thing…”they” forget the pain.

WE forget the good. We can/might become jaded.

I don’t want to be jaded. Yet, I am …often.

This year I feel such an aliveness about the newness of things.  I have felt this in years past; however, somethng feels different for me this year.  Perhaps it is about the struggles I have had…and our country now is…having.  I don’t know.

I feel as if I want to be in a church yelling, “I believe!”  I do believe – in God and Me and Us.

God please bless us.  And Me.. Let me know that God is in me.

Charlie give us some words..








and yes,  








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