I love the Freak Flag song in the musical, Shrek. I love the “freak flag” line in “Almost Cut My Hair,” by CSNY. And I love, love this song by Pink. Her lyrics are bold and “the beat” makes one want to jump up to dance – Dick Clark would be giving it a 10 for danceability!
I have been feeling overwhelmed with this desire to break out in some bold way. Something is calling me. I feel a warrior energy to do something big and bold. This song this morning was the perfect background for allowing this energy to build in me.
It feels like I’m going to explode if I don’t do something, but I don’t know what that something is! If feels like kundalini and there’s an urgency yet I’m at the same time holding this calmness around being patient.
Don’t want to rush a Kundalini awakening…
Don’t forget to click over and watch the video – watch it here – if not loaded in your email. It might just awaken something in you this morning!