Pull Ups – As Integral Practice

by Sheila on December 7, 2011

As the new year is fast upon us, I will be modifying my ILP (integral life practice – see the specific page on this site).

With respect to the “Body” module, I have always included strength training and I really love it. I love how powerful I feel. For the coming year, I am adding boxing in a real boxing gym for a 3 month program. Obviously upper body strength is important for this activity. So, I plan on spending the next 3 weeks on a specific plan geared toward prepping for boxing.

Pull ups have always been hard for me. Men might not really understand that it is much harder for a woman to do them.  That doesn’t mean we can’t. They have been my nemisis and I want to change that for good!

I received a post from a trusted “coach” in strength training and I wanted to share it.  Click here to see what John Alvino has to say about what he discovered about pull ups – specifically some pitfalls that most people do not realize and how to fix them.  I am taking his advice to heart. Let me know what you think!



{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Rob McNamara January 28, 2012 at 8:42 AM

Shelia, please check out my new book on integral strength training. http://www.StrengthtoAwaken.com or http://www.RobMcNamara.com  & Thanks for your post on this rich discipline. Big love


Sheila Mikulin February 8, 2012 at 1:18 PM

Will do, Rob!


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