On a Roll with the Dance

by Sheila on July 18, 2010

Alex Wong is a ballet dancer.  He was working professionally with Miami City Ballet.

He quit so that he could be on So You Think You Can Dance.   You can imagine the director of  MCB,  Edward Villella was not too happy.  But, Alex really wanted to do this.

Edward has a very interesting history/bio.  He was an athlete in a number of sports including baseball and boxing.  Alex says that Edward showed him what a masculine dancer is…

This is a hip hop routine that Alex  did with Twitch, who is considerered a hip hip professional.  This was coreographed by husband/wife team Napolean and Tabitha.

It is amazing to see him do this.

I am unable to embed the video, so click here to see it.

Unfortunately, Alex unjured himself and had to leave the competition for surgery on his ankle.  He was probably the top contender.

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